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12 tips for the researcher. Take part in NatureMasterclasses' unique courses

Date: 17.10.2022 Category: general news

We invite all students, PhD students and staff from Wrocław University of Science and Technology to a special online meeting with experts from the Nature Masterclasses platform.more

Happy National Education Day

Date: 14.10.2022 Category: general news

On National Education Day, the Rector, Professor Arkadiusz Wójs, would like to extend his best wishes to all the academic teachers of our university and the teachers of our Academic High School.more

46 of our scientists high in the TOP 2% ranking

Date: 13.10.2022 Category: general news , science/research/innovation

46 people from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology have been ranked in the latest edition of the prestigious ranking of the world's most influential people in science. The TOP 2% list includes the names of the most frequently cited.more

A series of joint workshops co-organised with TU Dresden

Date: 10.10.2022 Category: international cooperation

Aiming to strengthen the cooperation, a meeting was held in Dresden to initialise the series of joint workshops held by Wrocław Tech and Technische Universität Dresden with representatives of faculties, discipline councils, and university authoritiesmore

They started their programmes in Marseille and will soon continue at Wroclaw Tech

Date: 07.10.2022 Category: international cooperation

For the past four years, our university, together with universities from France and Italy, has been training future specialists in Chemical Nano-Engineering under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme.more

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