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They started their programmes in Marseille and will soon continue at Wroclaw Tech

Date: 07.10.2022 Category: international cooperation


For the past four years, our university, together with universities from France and Italy, has been training future specialists in Chemical Nano-Engineering under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme. A further 19 students started their degree programmes in Marseille.

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Chemical NanoEngineering (CNE) is an international master's degree programme that provides a broad interdisciplinary education in the thriving field of nanoengineering and nanotechnology. – The graduates of this programme will have gained broad competencies in working with nanoscale objects and systems, both experimental ones – in synthesis and physicochemical characterisation – and theoretical and numerical ones, which are necessary for designing them.

In addition to Wrocław University of Science and Technology, two other universities are participating in the programme – the project coordinator Aix-Marseille University (France) and Tor Vergata University of Rome (Italy). The first three semesters are the same for all students, who spend one semester each in Marseille, Wrocław, and Rome, while the final semester of the programme is devoted to the student’s Master's thesis developed at one of the partner universities or an affiliated institution.

Fifteen students from thirteen countries around the world who had just completed a two- year course of study were presented with their diplomas at the inauguration ceremony of the new academic year at the university in Marseille. The public presentation of the MSc thesis and the graduation examination was conducted a few days earlier with the Faculty of Chemistry represented on the committee by Prof. Szczepan Roszak, Professor of the University Piotr Rutkowski, PhD, DSc, Eng, and Professor of the University Elzbieta Zienkiewicz, PhD, Eng.


High profile graduates

Getting to know the cultures and languages of three very different European cities, as well as several countries from which their fellow students come, having to adapt to different learning systems, and gaining confidence in using English is what graduates find to be the most important extra-curricular advantages of pursuing the Chemical Nano-Engineering programme.

– We’re happy to see that most of them plan to continue their studies at the doctoral level. It shows how good the candidates are – says Prof. Szczepan Roszak from Wrocław Tech’s Faculty of Chemistry – This year's best graduates will pursue their doctoral theses at such renowned academic centres as the University of Cambridge, KU Leuven, the University of Valencia, or the University of Aix-Marseille.

During the ceremony, former CNE students acknowledged the tremendous commitment of all partners, coordinators, and lecturers in preparing and conducting their degree programmes, even during the difficult pandemic time. Special recognition was given to the coordinator of the project at Wrocław Tech, Prof. Bogdan Kuchta of the Faculty of Chemistry.

cne3.jpgNew students, new admissions

A few days before the inauguration in Marseille, there was a usual induction week for new students. – It was their first meeting with other programme participants as well as an opportunity to get to know representatives of the three partner universities where they will be staying for the next four semesters of study – says Prof. Piotr Rutkowski.

Soon, admissions for this unique course will start for the sixth time. Those wishing to start and continue their courses between 2023 and 2025 can apply from November 2022 to February 2023.

– We can have twenty students each year, and the top 17 candidates will receive special scholarships – says Prof. Elżbieta Zienkiewicz of the Faculty of Chemistry.

Here you will find:

detailed information about the programme

description of the subjects taught

Contact in PWr:

Piotr Rutkowski, Ph.D., University Professor
Elżbieta Zienkiewicz, Ph.D., University Professor



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