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A series of joint workshops co-organised with TU Dresden

Date: 10.10.2022 Category: international cooperation


Aiming to strengthen the cooperation, a meeting was held in Dresden to initialise the series of joint workshops held by Wrocław Tech and Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) with representatives of faculties, discipline councils, and university authorities in attendance.

The cooperation between the technical universities has been going on for more than 25 years but is now set to reach a completely different level. The outcome is the result of efforts made since the beginning of 2022 by working teams led by Prof. Dariusz Łydżba, Wrocław Tech’s Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Prof. Roland Teztlaff, head of the Technology Division and Vice-Rector of TU Dresden.

Another important moment was the renewal of the agreement between Wrocław University of Science and Technology and TU Dresden, which took place in September 2022, during the Saxon- Polish Innovation Days held at the Wrocław Tech.

– The long-standing cooperation between the two universities contributes to creating stronger links between science, industry, and ultimately our two countries – stressed Martin Kremer, Consul General of Germany at the time.

The result of the work conducted by the working teams is a cyclical workshop with researchers and staff from both universities, whose programme is designed to help strengthen the relationship and cooperation between the institutions. The first such meeting is already past us. On October 5 and 6, 70 people attended it in Dresden.

Strong inauguration

 – We’d been working intensively for several months at Wrocław Tech’s Department of International Cooperation. Also, together with our counterparts from Germany, we’d held many meetings and exchanged dozens of e-mails to make this meeting as good as possible – says Anna Jarosławska, head of the Department of International Cooperation.

The attendees, who included Wrocław Tech Rector Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs, Vice-Rector Prof. Dariusz Łydżba, as well as deans, scientists, and Wrocław Tech administration employees, took advantage of the event’s rich programme. On the first day, they listened to presentations about both universities. Success stories, i.e. examples of the most fruitful cooperation to date, were also presented. A tour of the laboratories at the university in Dresden was scheduled for the second day. The hosts presented and talked about the activities of their four institutes:

  • Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology,
  • Institute of Mathematical Stochastics,
  • Institute of Acoustics and Speech Communications (IAS),
  • Institute of Electronic Packaging Technology (IAVT).


Representatives of Wrocław Tech authorities first toured the buildings of the Medical Interprofessional Training Centre and then met with the Rector of TU Dresden Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger and Prof. Ingo Röder, Dean of the TU Dresden Medical School.

– I believe that through this workshop our universities will become even more inspired to develop and that the short distance between the two cities will work to reinforce what has just begun – said Rector Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs. He added that cooperation with TU Dresden would be particularly invaluable as far as the support for our university in establishing the Faculty of Medicine was concerned.

“Speed dating” for administration staff

Delegation members representing administration staff had the opportunity to attend a special event called the “Funding-World Café”.

They were divided into three groups according to their responsibilities and shared their professional experiences and exchanged ideas that could lead to potential collaboration. Each participant was first given two minutes to introduce themselves to the forum, and then the groups talked at their tables for 40 minutes.

Afterwards, there would be a change and a group of Wrocław Tech employees would sit down with another group from Germany. The focus was on three themes: working together on research projects; academic mobility of students, staff, and researchers; and issues related to grant funding and internal support programmes.

– According to the plan, the next workshop will be held in Wrocław in the first quarter of 2023. – announces Anna Jarosławska from the Department of International Cooperation. – Before that, however, there will be online meetings to develop and map out further areas where we can work together.


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