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Over half a thousand foreign students choose Wroclaw Tech

Date: 04.10.2022 Category: international cooperation

They have come to Wrocław from the farthest parts of the world, and over the past week, in small groups, they have been getting to know the city and their fellow students. On Friday they all finally met in the university's auditorium.more

The new academic year has started. "I believe in the strength of our community"

Date: 04.10.2022 Category: general news

Over 22 thousand students have started a new academic year. – This year will certainly not be easy, but I believe in the strength of our community. Together, we can get through the difficult times, but also move forward and develop – said Rector Wojsmore

We will have a Faculty of Medicine!

Date: 30.09.2022 Category: general news

A Faculty of Medicine is being established at Wrocław Tech. Starting next academic year, 60 students are to begin their first year of medical studies, and the studies will be conducted in cooperation with Wrocław hospitalsmore

On Monday, we begin a new academic year

Date: 29.09.2022 Category: general news

On Monday, October 3, at 10 in the aula of the university's main building (A-1) will officially begin the new academic year at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. A webcast of the event will be available on our Youtube channel.more

The Central European Technology Forum will take place in October

Date: 21.09.2022 Category: conferences/seminars/lectures

On October 24-25, 2022, Wrocław Tech will host Central European Technology Forum. CETEF has been a flag event organised by the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology in co-operation with technical universities and high-tech industries.more

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