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Undergraduate Learning at MIT: meeting with prof. Wojciech Matusik

Date: 25.10.2022 Category: conferences/seminars/lectures

We would like to invite you to the first meeting this academic year as part of the Teaching Excellence Seminars series. Professor Wojciech Matusik, a lecturer at an American university, will talk about the undergraduate system at MIT.more

Discussion on digital transformation in Europe at Wroclaw Tech

Date: 24.10.2022 Category: general news , conferences/seminars/lectures

The digital transformation of the European economy, the European Green Deal, and the role of science and technology in this regard are the main topics of the Central European Technology Forum (CETEF'22), which runs until Tuesday at the Wroclaw Tech.more

„It is a great honour” - prof. Randall J. Platt receives LEM Prize 2021

Date: 21.10.2022 Category: general news

Professor Randall J. Platt, an expert in genetic engineering, has been awarded the Stanisław Lem European Science Prize for 2021. The statuette was presented at a gala ceremony in the auditorium of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.more

Lem Prize 2021 for Prof. Randall J. Platt - award ceremony

Date: 19.10.2022 Category: general news , awards

We kindly invite the public to the presentation of the Stanisław Lem European Science Prize for 2021, which will be received in the auditorium of Wrocław University of Science and Technology by Prof. Randall J. Platt of ETH Zürichmore

Spice up your studies - visit the Unite! virtual fair for students

Date: 18.10.2022 Category: general news , international cooperation

Are you interested in increasing your international network? Would you like to study at other European universities as well and get to know local cultures? Join the Unite! Virtual Fair on 9 November and check the offers for students.more

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