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Welcome at Wroclaw Tech!

Zdjęcie grupy studentów z zagranicy

More than 320 students from all over the world have started their adventure at our university. For the past few days they have been getting to know the campus, the city and the rules under which they will study, and today they jointly inaugurated the new semester.

A total of more than 120 students were enrolled as full-time students in Polish or English - most from Turkey, Ukraine, India and Pakistan. In turn, 200 students came for a semester or a year as part of student exchange programmes. Almost half of them are students from Spain, but there are also young people from France, Turkey and South Korea, as well as Taiwan, Mexico, Germany or Kosovo, among others.

Among the most popular fields of study chosen by foreign students are energy studies, renewable energy sources and applied computer science.

Zdjęcie przemawiającego prof. Kamila Stańca- We are very happy to have you with us and congratulate you on your choice. You are a very important part of the international community of Wrocław University of Science and Technology and we are proud to host students from 80 countries on our campus. Learning and sharing your knowledge will prepare you to work together in the international community in which you will all soon live' - said Prof Kamil Staniec, vice-rector for Education. - 'We are here to support you. You can count on the other students, the staff of the International Relations Office, me and the vice rector for Student Affairs. We are all part of a team that will help you to successfully study at Wroclaw Tech and feel at home here,' - he added.

Throughout last week, our new students were able to take part in introductory days prepared by the International Office. They were offered, among others, a tour of the main campus, an urban game during which they had the opportunity to get to know Wrocław, a trip to Ślęża and various team games.

- Exactly ten years ago, I started my international adventure thanks to the Erasmus Mobility programme. It was a decision that changed my life and I congratulate all those who have also made it. It is a great achievement and I believe that you will share my opinion and that this decision will be of great importance for your future career,' emphasised Anna Maria Jaroslawska, Head of International Relations Office.

In total, more than a thousand candidates applied for the summer semester at Wroclaw Tech. There are currently more than 1.5 thousand foreign students studying at our university. 

We asked several of them about their first impressions of Wroclaw and why they chose Wroclaw Tech:

Farid Kazimov (Azerbaijan)


"This is my first visit to Poland and I only came to Wroclaw five days ago.

I haven't had much time to look around the city yet, but I already like it a lot. Although the weather isn't the best, you can see that it's going to be very green here soon.

I will be taking an advanced level English course this semester, and then I want to start studying Big Data Analytics at the Faculty of Fundamental Technological Problems and write my thesis at Wroclaw Tech."

Catalina Aya Castro (Colombia)


"Six months ago I was in Wroclaw on holiday and I really liked it here. My friend was studying at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology and I was also considering studying abroad. I started looking for information about this university and finally decided to study for a Master's degree in Management Engineering at the Faculty of Management.

Last week I managed to visit the campus, I have to admit that it is very big and it is difficult to remember everything, but I think that in time I will get to know it well."

Luka Pavageau (France)


"I'm studying engineering at the University of Angers, but I was looking for something less technical. I checked out the offerings of cooperating universities and that's how I found the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, which offered me to study at the Faculty of Management. I liked it and decided to come to Wrocław.

I will spend a semester here and then finish my studies in France and look for a job with the experience I have gained.

I really enjoyed the introductory week - I visited interesting places and met a lot of interesting people. I was impressed that so many people in Poland speak English. On the street or in a shop, I have no problem talking to someone."

Naum Mukiti (Kenya)


"In my country the level of education is not as high as in Europe. Therefore, I really wanted to go away to try something more advanced to help me in my future career. I will be studying Big Data Analytics at the Faculty of Fundamental Technological Problems and I hope to learn a lot of new things with you and, above all, have the opportunity for practical classes.

In Wrocław, I really appreciate the public transport system. You can get around the whole city easily and quickly.

In Kenya, when you need to get somewhere, you have to leave home at least two hours early. I come from Mombasa, so the temperature in Poland is a bit of a challenge for me, but I adapt quickly in new places."

mic, ach


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