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Strategy of Wrocław University of Science and Technology 2023-2030

A dream will always triumph over reality,
once it is given the chance.

— Stanisław Lem “The Futurological Congress”

Wrocław University of Science and Technology (hereinafter also: Wrocław Tech) is a technical university educating students and doctoral candidates, and conducting research to advance science and technology and solve real-world problems of society and economy.

The target model of Wrocław Tech assumes a close interaction of research conducted in four large fields: technical sciences, basic sciences, social sciences and humanities, as well as health and life sciences.

Full text of the Strategy of Wrocław University of Science and Technology


Through research, teaching, and collaboration we inspire and support the development of individuals who, based on knowledge, ethical standards and displaying sensitivity to the needs of society and global challenges, shape the future with courage and responsibility.


As a European comprehensive technical university affirming freedom, truth, curiosity, and joy of science, we conduct interdisciplinary education and research in response to the aspirations and challenges of the society and economy.


Excellence – in education, research and knowledge transfer, and in personal development of our community members.

Collaboration – understood as combining individual talents to achieve common goals, mutual support in achieving individual goals, and the University’s cooperation with its environment.

Openness – to new ideas and challenges and in relation to University community members.

Key Strategic Areas
and Overarching Strategic Objectives

Education – providing the highest possible level of education for students and doctoral candidates at Wrocław Tech, preparing them for the role of leaders in modern society and economy, among other things, by individualization and internationalization of teaching and by modernization and enhancement of its methods and forms.

Research and Innovation – increasing the contribution of Wrocław Tech to the development of science and technology, as well as ensuring its status as a leading research center, among other things, by expansion into the field of medical sciences, development of interdisciplinary research and focus on the following priority areas:

  1. Information Technology, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence;
  2. Innovative Materials and Advanced Manufacturing;
  3. Sustainable Living Environment;
  4. Smart Cities and Future Society;
  5. Health and Medical Technologies;
  6. Extreme Technologies;
  7. Basic Research for Technology and Innovation.

Cooperation with the Environment – fostering relationships based on mutual efforts to significantly enhance Wrocław Tech’s impact on its environment, and building academic prestige and reputation of a socially engaged university, among other things, by active participation in the Unite! alliance, strengthening ties with the business environment, creating an innovative entrepreneurship environment, and implementing the concept of an entrepreneurial and engaged university.

Community – development of the academic community of employees, doctoral candidates, and students of Wrocław Tech, based on cooperation, openness, and respect, engaged in the development of the University and undertaking the challenges of the modern world, among other things, by developing mechanisms that foster participation and communication, as well as implementing the concept of an inclusive university.

Infrastructure – providing Wrocław Tech with a modern, sustainable, and accessible material and technological base, supporting the University’s mission and offering conducive conditions for education and research, and for the development of community and cooperation, among other things, by investment in modern teaching and research facilities and digitization of the University’s key processes.

Area-Specific Strategic Goals


G1. creating opportunities for students and doctoral candidates to gain the knowledge and skills, build relationships and self-confidence necessary for success;
G2. creating an educational environment that promotes collaboration, creativity, and problem solving;
G3. developing the educational offer in response to the changing needs of students, doctoral candidates, society, and the economy;
G4. strengthening partnerships with the social and business environment that allow students and doctoral candidates to gain experience outside the University and contact with the latest technologies;
G5. developing a diverse academic staff with high qualifications, and enhancing their teaching and language skills.

Research and Innovation

G1. undertaking pioneering and breakthrough research in key areas of science and technology, setting directions and pushing boundaries, thus responding to the expectations of society and the economy;
G2. creating a dynamic scientific environment integrating employees and doctoral candidates from all disciplines and involving students, promoting cooperation, innovation, interdisciplinarity, and excellence;
G3. strengthening international cooperation leading to an increase in the quality of research, among others by participating in scientific networks and programs;
G4. strengthening partnerships with the business environment conducive to increasing the impact and significance of the conducted research;
G5. developing a diverse scientific staff and their professional competencies needed for breakthrough research and technological innovation, as well as effective communication and playing a leading role in their respective fields and disciplines.

Cooperation with the Environment

G1. strengthening partnerships with the business sector to enhance research and education vital to technological progress and the development of both local and global economies – this includes engaging in collaborative research and inviting partners to contribute to shaping the educational offer;
G2. facilitating technology transfer and the commercialization of research results, and building a supportive network around the University to foster innovative entrepreneurship and support new start-up or spin-off projects, especially in the realm of deep tech;
G3. enhancing the role of a leader integrating the Wrocław intellectual community;
G4. forging enduring relationships within the European alliance Unite! and with other academic institutions, particularly European technical universities;
G5. reinforcing the reputation of Wrocław Tech as a responsible and socially engaged university.


G1. fostering a supportive and integrative work environment that bolsters employee satisfaction and professional growth – with an emphasis on maintaining a balance between professional duties and private life for all employees, and enabling a flexible allocation of working hours for academic staff between research and teaching;
G2. reinforcing a culture of cooperation and engagement, thereby cultivating an open community bound by shared values, mutual respect, and partnership relations;
G3. enhancing teamwork and fostering collaboration beyond the formal structures of the University, while promoting a culture of innovation and creativity;
G4. facilitating professional advancement and creating career opportunities for both academic teachers and administration;
G5. providing avenues for students and doctoral candidates to participate in University life through clubs and organizations, and to engage the broader community during joint events; establishing ways for alumni to maintain a connection with the University and contribute to its development.


G1. cultivating a welcoming, inclusive, accessible, and environmentally conscious campus that promotes personal development and fosters a sense of belonging;
G2. advancing the educational infrastructure, student facilities, and library services to enhance the quality of education and study comfort;
G3. enhancing research infrastructure to attract talent, boost potential for pioneering research, encourage cooperation, and facilitate project implementation, especially in priority research areas;
G4. expanding the information technology infrastructure and leveraging the ever-evolving potential of information technology technologies across all University operations;
G5. embracing responsibility for sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and climate issues, as emphasized in key international agreements: Paris Agreement, European Green Deal, and Sustainable Development Goals, within the University’s investment policy and other activities.

Strategy Implementation

Implementation of the Strategy will involve realizing the strategic initiatives defined for each area, with detailed strategic programs developed within these initiatives.

Some of the strategic initiatives will be implemented within the confines of projects or based on internally developed University documents. A crucial component of the strategy implementation process is monitoring, encompassing each key area of University activity.

The strategy evaluation will be conducted at pivotal stages of its implementation and upon its completion. The outcome of the evaluation may recommend a modification to this strategy or the development of a new one.

Wrocław University of Science and Technology © 2025

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