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Welcome at Wroclaw Tech!

Date: 27.02.2023 Category: general news , international cooperation , student activity

More than 320 students from all over the world have started their adventure at our university. For the past few days they have been getting to know the campus, the city and the rules under which they will study.more

Mateusz Szatkowski, PhD elected Ambassador of the Optica Association

Date: 14.02.2023 Category: general news

This lifetime title is awarded to young scientists from around the world working in optics and photonics. Our scientist will be responsible for inspiring students and budding researchers, sharing their knowledge and supporting them.more

"Rising Star 2023" award for Anna Maria Jaroslawska

Date: 10.02.2023 Category: general news , awards , international cooperation

Anna Maria Jarosławska, Head of the International Office, was awarded in the 'Stars of Internationalisation 2023' competition organised by the Perspektywy Educational Foundation.more

Charity collection for Turkiye and Syria

Date: 09.02.2023 Category: international cooperation , other

We organise the charity collection for the victims of the earthquake in Turkiye and Syria. You can bring your donations from 9 to 24 February to International Relations Office (L-3 building).more

Prof. Kamil Staniec new Vice-Chancellor for Education

Date: 01.02.2023 Category: general news

The Rector has appointed Professor Kamil Stanec from the Faculty of Computer Science and Telecommunications as Vice-Rector for Education at Wroclaw Tech. The professor begins his duties on 1 February.more

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