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Lem Prize 2022: award ceremony for Prof Samuel Stranks

Date: 28.04.2023 Category: awards


On Monday, 5 June, in the auditorium of Wroclaw Tech, the Stanisław Lem European Science Prize for 2022 will be received by Professor Samuel Stranks of Cambridge University, a specialist in optoelectronics. The event will begin at 11 am.

During the ceremony, the laureate will deliver a lecture entitled 'The Future of Perovskites for Solar Power and Lighting'.

The European Stanisław Lem Prize (Lem Prize) is aimed at young scientists (under 40) studying or conducting research in the European Union and associated countries participating in the Horizon Europe programme. It is awarded annually for a recent discovery or significant achievement in broad areas of science and engineering, with strong elements of technology, interdisciplinarity, creativity and vision.

Benefactors of the Lem Prize 2022 are:

Bergman Engineering, TestArmy Group, Santander Universidades, PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A., PCC Rokita and Fundacja PKO Banku Polskiego.


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