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Honorary doctorate for Prof. Gérard Mourou

Date: 15.05.2024 Category: general news

The eminent French physicist, initiator of the European Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project and 2018 Nobel Prize winner has been awarded an honorary doctorate from our university.more

Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs elected for a second term

Date: 25.04.2024 Category: general news

Prof Arkadiusz Wójs was elected rector of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The election was made by the Electoral College during a meeting held on Thursday in the auditorium of Wroclaw Tech.more

Winners of the fifth Secundus competition

Date: 23.04.2024 Category: general news

100 young researchers from Wroclaw Tech have been awarded - within thirteen disciplines - in the fifth edition of the Secundus competition.more

Wrocław Tech students to conduct research during parabolic flights at an ESA facility

Date: 22.04.2024 Category: science/research/innovation , international cooperation , student activity

The European Space Agency has selected seven student teams from across Europe to carry out experiments at its research centres as part of the ESA Academy Experiments programme. A group from Poland qualified for the parabolic flight programme.more

The Open Day of the Doctoral School

Date: 03.04.2024 Category: general news , admission

What does a typical day of a PhD student at our University look like? What is the interview and recruitment process like? This will be discussed in detail on Tuesday 9 April on our YouTube channel during an online meeting.more

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