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The Open Day of the Doctoral School

Date: 03.04.2024 Category: general news , admission

What does a typical day of a PhD student at our University look like? What is the interview and recruitment process like? This will be discussed in detail on Tuesday 9 April on our YouTube channel during an online meeting.more

Easter greetings

Date: 27.03.2024 Category: university life

On the occasion of Easter, Rector Prof Arkadiusz Wójs wishes the entire community of Wroclaw Tech joy, peace and hope.more

Graduation Day - a unique event at the Wroclaw Tech

Date: 15.03.2024 Category: international cooperation , ceremonies

More than 50 people from 23 countries attended a ceremony to present congratulatory letters to graduates of Wrocław University of Science and Technology from abroad. It was the first such event in the history of our university.more

Chemical Nano-Engineering students begin new semester

Date: 15.03.2024 Category: international cooperation , student activity

Twenty-five people from 20 countries around the world are about to start a new semester of study at Wroclaw Tech. They are students of the Chemical Nano-Engineering (CNE) course, run as part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme.more

It’s our first such grant ever. Wroclaw Tech becomes a leader of an international consortium as part of the RFCS programme

Date: 05.03.2024 Category: general news , science/research/innovation , international cooperation

The development of renewable energy sources necessitates the production of new storage methods. What if gravity storage facilities were used for this purpose? An international consortium headed by Wrocław Tech is working on such a solution.more

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