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Date: 26.04.2023 Category: general news
A meeting of representatives of seven universities from Ukraine, the Ukrainian National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and the Unite! is underway at Wroclaw Tech. They are working together to develop green campus standards.more
Date: 24.04.2023 Category: general news
The winners of the fourth edition of the university’s Secundus competition have been announced. One hundred young researchers from Wroclaw Tech boasting the highest total points for their published work.more
Date: 06.04.2023 Category: general news
Every year on 17 April, we celebrate Wroclaw Tech Hoodie Day. On this occasion, we have planned plenty of activities and competitions with prizes. Let's celebrate this day together!more
Date: 05.04.2023 Category: general news
Easter wishes for the entire PWr community from Rector Prof Arkadiusz Wójs.more
Date: 03.04.2023 Category: general news , conferences/seminars/lectures , workshops/presentations/trainings
Patricia Rosado Pinto, PhD, from the NOVA University (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), will deliver his lecture within the Teaching Excellence Seminars series.more
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