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Prof. Samuel Stranks with the Lem Prize 2022

Date: 05.06.2023 Category: general news

Professor Samuel Stranks from the University of Cambridge, a specialist in optoelectronics, has been awarded the Lem Prize 2022. The statuette was presented at a gala ceremony in the auditorium of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.more

Perovskites are the future of photovoltaics [INTERVIEW]

Date: 05.06.2023 Category: general news

What is so exciting about perovskites? Will they bring a breakthrough in photovoltaics and why their commercialisation will not be easy. An interview with the winner of the Lem Prize 2022, Professor Samuel Stranks from the University of Cambridge.more

Failure in the server room. What's going on? [Updated 3.06.2023]

Date: 03.06.2023 Category: general news

On Tuesday, May 30, there was an outage in our server room located in the Archives building on Gdańska Street. Currently, the university's systems are gradually being restored to operation. We will keep you informed about further activations.more

HR Excellence in Research: Wroclaw Tech gets the highest rating

Date: 29.05.2023 Category: general news

The European Commission has completed the evaluation process as part of the second phase of the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers at Wroclaw Tech. According to the report our university scored the highest possible rating.more

Wroclaw Tech strategy approved!

Date: 26.05.2023 Category: general news

At Thursday's meeting, the Senate of Wrocław University of Science and Technology approved our university's strategy for 2023-2030. The document will now be officially presented to the entire community.more

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