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Prestigious publication of W3’s paper on white laser light generation

Date: 26.07.2023 Category: general news , science/research/innovation

A team of scientists from the Faculty of Chemistry has developed an innovative technology for generating white laser light based on just two organic dyes. The results of their research have just been published in “Advanced Optical Materials”.more

An exceptional degree programme at W3. Study in Poland, Finland, and Spain

Date: 24.07.2023 Category: international cooperation , admission

Three semesters of study, each at a different university, plus a scholarship of 1,400 EUR and a diploma for a specialist in sustainable biomass processing and bioproduct engineering. Candidates can now enrol for a unique master's degree programme.more

Horizon Europe: Collaborating for Basic and Application Research Funding

Date: 18.07.2023 Category: general news , science/research/innovation , international cooperation

In mid-July, more than 50 researchers from WroclawTech attended a special meeting dedicated to planning scientific collaboration with our partners from the Unite! alliance.more

Research at top research centres. Our doctoral students to start fign placements

Date: 17.07.2023 Category: general news , international cooperation

Six PhD students from Wrocław Tech’s Doctoral School will soon be leaving for their placements at renowned universities around the world.more

Young and outstanding from Wroclaw Tech receive ministerial scholarships

Date: 17.07.2023 Category: general news , science/research/innovation

Eight young researchers from our university have received this year's scholarships from the Minister of Education and Science. The award is granted to people demonstrating excellence in their scientific activity.more

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