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Joining forces with European universities to train specialists in Chemical Nano-Engineering

Date: 19.09.2023 Category: international cooperation , student activity

A further 21 people from different countries around the world have started pursuing the unique Chemical Nano-Engineering degree programme, delivered jointly with universities in France and Italy.more

Official launch of the Faculty of Medicine

Date: 18.09.2023 Category: general news , ceremonies

After a year's preparation, the Faculty of Medicine has been officially launched at WUST. “This is a historic day that opens a new and exciting chapter in the life of our university,” said Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs, Wrocław Tech’s Rector.more

Prestigious ERC grant for our scientist

Date: 14.09.2023 Category: general news , science/research/innovation , international cooperation

Łukasz Sterczewski, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems has become the first researcher in the history of our university to win a Starting Grant awarded by the European Research Council (ERC).more

We have signed cooperation agreements with universities from India and Thailand

Date: 13.09.2023 Category: international cooperation

Joint research projects, student exchanges, conferences and seminars - these are the plans we intend to pursue with Vellore Institute of Technology from India and Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep from Thailand.more

The Unite! Dialogue at Wroclaw Tech. The focus will be on Unite! Ecosystems

Date: 12.09.2023 Category: general news , international cooperation

Wrocław Tech will be hosting the upcoming edition of the VIII Unite! Dialogue, titled "Unite! Ecosystems," scheduled to take place from the 19th to the 21st of September.more

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