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Two NAWA scholarship winners at W7 – researchers from China and South Africa

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Wandong Zheng, PhD from China and Prof. Kanzumba Kusakana from South Africa are to start their research at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering with a focus on the use of renewable energy in the Kłodzko and Żywiec administrative districts. The scientists are winners in the Stanisław Ulam Programme, organised by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.

Supporting the internationalisation of Polish universities and scientific institutions, The programme allows both recognised and promising researchers with at least a PhD title to come to do scientific work in Poland. The participants in the programme are expected to strengthen the scientific potential of the Polish units and become involved in their activities – primarily research projects and teaching.

Under this year's programme, scholarships went to 61 researchers,  who will start their placements at Polish universities and research institutes in January 2024. Two of the winners will come to the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

A study of two Polish regions

Wandong Zheng - photoWandong Zheng, PhD from Tianjin University (China) and Prof. Kanzumba Kusakana from the Central University of Technology in Bloemfontein (South Africa) will conduct their research at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering, and their placement will be overseen by Jakub Jurasz, PhD, Eng. from the Department of Water and Sewerage.

“I’ve built the entire research plan in such a way that both scholarship holders will focus on the same regions, i.e. the Kłodzko and Żywiec Valleys, while the scopes of their work will be different,” says Jakub Jurasz, PhD, Eng.

Dr Wandong Zheng will focus on the topic of heating and renewable heating system transformation, using his experience from clean-heating projects in China as his research interests are related to energy saving and the application of renewable energy technologies in buildings.

“The research I’d like to carry out at Wrocław University of Science and Technology concerns the assessment of the complementarity of solar, wind, hydro, and hybrid power generation in Poland. The aim is to develop a sustainable development path for the Polish power generation system. I’d also like to compare the similarities and differences in the energy revolution in China and Poland,” says the researcher. “Working together on the project could be the first step towards expanding cooperation between our universities,” he emphasises.

 Prof. Kanzumba Kusakana - photoAs for Prof. Kanzumba Kusakana, during his stay in Poland, he will focus on optimising the coupled operation of conventional hydropower reservoirs and hydrokinetic turbines. His work is expected to result in more efficient use of the water resources of the Kłodzko and Żywiec districts.

The South African scientist's research is centred primarily on clean energy technologies. He is a specialist in smart grids and energy management, renewable energy technologies, energy storage technologies, energy modelling, as well as simulation and optimisation studies.

“Wrocław Tech plans to intensify its research activities in the field of renewable energy sources, which is also an energy policy priority at European and national level. By joining the team, I’ll bring relevant industrial and academic experience in modelling and simulation of hydroelectric power plants, pumped-storage power plants, and hydrokinetic systems,” explains Prof. Kanzumba Kusakana. “Such knowledge is crucial, given the current state of hydropower development in the decarbonisation of the Polish energy system. Not only will I be involved in research activities, but I also plan to deliver lectures in optional subjects,” he adds.

It is worth pointing out that the potential of renewable energy resources in the districts of Kłodzko and Żywiec was assessed by Prof. Fausto Canales from Colombia. He also conducted his research under the Stanisław Ulam Programme.

Under the programme, foreign researchers’ placements in Poland can last up to 24 months with winners receiving a monthly stipend of 10 thousand PLN and a mobility allowance to cover travel arrangements.


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