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New laboratory and open lecture. Visit of Prof. Ferenc Krausz [PHOTOS]

Date: 09.11.2023 Category: general news , science/research/innovation , international cooperation

Wroclaw Tech hosted this year's Nobel Prize winner in physics. Prof. Ferenc Krausz opened the laboratory of the collaborative research group and gave an open lecture. He was listened to by hundreds of people gathered in the university Congress Centremore

Teaching Excellence Seminars: prof. Tomi Kauppinen – Designing Online Learning

Date: 03.11.2023 Category: general news , conferences/seminars/lectures , workshops/presentations/trainings , international cooperation

We invite you to a meeting within a series of Teaching Excellence Seminars. The guest of the event will be prof. Tomi Kauppinen of Aalto University, who will tell us about online learning design.more

This year's Nobel laureate will come to Wroclaw Tech

Date: 26.10.2023 Category: general news , conferences/seminars/lectures , international cooperation

Prof Ferenc Krausz - a world-renowned physicist and winner of this year's Nobel Prize in physics - will come to Wroclaw Tech. Scientist will open new research center at our university and give an open lecture.more

It's time for T.I.M.E.

Date: 25.10.2023 Category: general news , conferences/seminars/lectures , international cooperation

Representatives of 48 universities from 21 countries are taking part in the T.I.M.E. General Assembly conference, which has begun at Wroclaw Tech. The three-day event will feature workshops, talks and discussions on internationalisation.more

„The Anthropocene: from boundaries to bonds. Interdisciplinary crossovers in knowledge development”

Date: 17.10.2023 Category: general news

Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Centre and Olga Tokarczuk's Ex-centrum Academic Research Centre invite you to participate in the conference „The Anthropocene: from boundaries to bonds. Interdisciplinary crossovers in knowledge development”.more

Wrocław University of Science and Technology © 2025

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