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Researchers of WUST receive Wrocław Science Awards

Date: 10.10.2016 Category: science/research/innovation

Professor Edward Chlebus of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Professor Marek Samoć of the Faculty of Chemistry received the Wrocław Science Awards for their research bringing together the academic milieumore

USA scientist to conduct research at WUST Faculty of Electronics

Date: 10.10.2016 Category: science/research/innovation , international cooperation

Professor Jerzy Rozenblit from the State University of Arizona has received a Fulbright grant for research into computer aided training for laparoscopic surgeons. The scientist will conduct it at Wrocław University of Science and Technologymore

New location of the International Office

Date: 06.10.2016 Category: general news , student activity

Since Thursday (29th of September), you can visit us in new offices in building A-1more

Inauguration of the Academic Year 2016/2017

Date: 28.09.2016 Category: general news , ceremonies , university life

The ceremonial inauguration of the academic year 2016/2017 at Wrocław University of Science and Technology will be held on Monday, October 3, at 09.30 am at the Main Building's assembly hallmore

Introduction Days for international students

Date: 23.09.2016 Category: studies , workshops/presentations/trainings

As you all know, winter semester of academic year 2016/2017 is going to start in few days. For all international Erasmus/Exchange and full time students we organize Introduction Days, which will be held at 29 and 30 September 2016more

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