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New Authorities of Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Date: 31.08.2016 Category: ceremonies, general news, university life

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

Professor Cezary Madryas has assumed the position of Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. On the last day of August, the former Authorities signed the document stating their renouncement of the authority over the tertiary institute

– August 31 is a special day for all of us – said Professor Tadeusz Więckowski, the stepping down Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology in his speech at the Old Hall of the Senate. – It is the time of change of the University authorities and the time when the University is getting a second wind.

Professor Więckowski stressed that he felt that the past eight years, i.e. the period of his two terms at the helm of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, had passed very fast.  – I would like to thank to the community of our University, particularly my co-operators and the Deans, for the support without which many changes would not have been possible. I would also like to thank the senior Rectors for their help and advice; and I have a special thank you for the senate – for placing its trust in me and their openness to the challenges we faced. My work with the senate was an honour. At the same time, I would like to ask that the new senate likewise support the new Rector, give him its confidence and not fear risk. Without it, there will be no progress and no outcomes – clearly, assuming that the risk is well-balanced.

The stepping down Authorities put their signatures on the document along with the new authorities of the University and its Faculties. The ceremony of passing the authority was also an opportunity to thank the Rector. Paweł Rańda, president of WUST's Academic Sports Club, handed an oar with a commemorative plate to Professor Więckowski. Also the stepping down president of the Student Self-Government Wojciech Ruszkiewicz expressed his thanks, while his successor Filip Ogonowski wished the new authorities the best of luck and good cooperation. Both handed commemorative t-shirts of the Student Self-Government to the Rector.

Taking over the office of Rector, Professor Cezary Madryas stressed that the day on which authority was conveyed at the University (which took place exactly at midnight on August 31) was one of the most important days in his professional life. – I'm seldom moved, but I do feel I am moved now – he said. – Taking over the responsibility for Wrocław University of Science and Technology is a big commitment. I do hope that I will not betray the trust you have placed in me. We are facing the difficult task of making Wrocław University of Science and Technology grow. I count on your support, courage, and even some daring in creating visions which we will translate into reality. I have spent past weeks having long talks with Professor Tadeusz Więckowski. We discussed the past and the ways to build the future of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. These meetings allowed me to obtain a lot of information and contacts, which I intend to use for the benefit of our University.

The new Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, along with the stepping down senior Rectors, unveiled the name of Professor Cezary Madryas on the plaque of Vice-Chancellors in the lobby of the tertiary institute's main building. The ceremony was ended with the Rectors toast for the success of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. 

Exactly at midnight, Professor Więckowski conveyed to the new Rector the symbolic key to Wrocław University of Science and Technology.  Wednesday also saw the presentation of three new buildings at the University's campus – a sports hall, an archive with an additional IT centre, and the library of the Faculty of Architecture.


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