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WUST robots win medals

Date: 14.08.2017 Category: student activity

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

Eighteen robots of the Robotics Scientific Circle KoNaR were presented in Beijing at Robot Challenge 2017. During the event, the machines constructed by the students of Wrocław University of Science and Technology vied in six competitions. Two of them won silver and gold

konar_pekin0.jpg1,316 robots from 26 countries took part in the challenge organised in the capital of China. The event comprised 15 competitions, and our representatives took two medals home. 

The gold medal for the freestyle competition was won by the Robotic Chessboard, which received as much as 78.2% points from the jury and veritably outclassed the other contenders (the next machine got 64.8%) and aroused admiration among the spectators. 

The Robotic Chessboard is an automated and voice-controlled structure enabling touchless games of chess against either a living opponent or artificial intelligence. The machine also makes it possible to replay recorded games or those played remotely. For more information about the project, please visit the website of the Robotics Scientific Circle KoNaR.

The silver medal for the line follower category was won by the robot named Navy, built by Rafał Cymiński. In this competition, machines must negotiate a route demarcated with a black line on a white surface as fast as it is possible. The WUST robot took only 4.77 seconds to achieve it, with 0.07 seconds short of the best result.

Watch a video showing the Navy robot’s ride (provided by KoNaR)


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