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Winter School 2022 “Sustainable and Resilient Energy in Europe?!”

Date: 02.11.2022 Category: general news, workshops/presentations/trainings


The Graduate School Energy Science and Engineering is glad to invite you to participate in the upcoming winter school “Sustainable and Resilient Energy in Europe?!”. The school will take place from December 6 to 8 as a hybrid event in Darmstadt.

The event will explore scientific and technical aspects of the production and use of carbon-free and sustainable energy storage systems such as hydrogen and iron, as well as the socio-economic aspects such as multi-level governance of hydrogen strategies. Participants will thus gain a unique insight into current challenges and solution approaches in an energy landscape that is changing daily.

Please find more information and the online registration form.

Due to limited availability of seats, places for physical participants can quickly fill. So, if interested, please register at your earliest convenience!

  • There are no participation fees.
  • Meals are free.
  • Free accommodation for 20 members/ graduates of Unite! Universities.

Registration until the 6th of Nov. 2022


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