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We will have a Faculty of Medicine!

Date: 30.09.2022 Category: general news


A Faculty of Medicine is being established at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Starting next academic year, 60 students are to begin their first year of medical studies, and the studies will be conducted in cooperation with Wrocław hospitals.

The opening of the new faculty at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology is a response to the shortage of medical staff faced by almost all hospitals in Poland, but also an opportunity to develop research in the field of health and life sciences. A team of experts has been working on the project to establish the faculty for several months. On Thursday, the Senate of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology gave a positive opinion on the proposal.

Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs - zdjęcie- We have strong foundations at Wrocław University of Technology: mathematics, physics, chemistry and, in addition, social sciences. Around these we want to develop the fields in which these technical solutions are applied. This is how the largest technical universities in Europe and the world operate," says Professor Arkadiusz Wójs, Rector. - We are already doing a lot of research around medicine at the Wrocław University of Technology; since 2017, the university has been implementing more than 100 grants in this area.

Education at the Faculty of Medicine will be conducted in cooperation with Wrocław hospitals, with which relevant agreements will soon be signed. The scientific staff will largely consist of doctors with degrees and titles. In October 2023, 60 students are expected to start studying at the new faculty.

Approval to operate a medical faculty must be granted by the Minister of Education and Science. The university is currently preparing the relevant application in this regard.


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