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VII Unite! Dialogue - we are in Grenoble

Date: 28.02.2023 Category: general news

Spotkanie Unite! w Grenoble - plakat

The working meeting of the Unite! alliance, to which we belong, has begun. More than 300 people from nine universities are taking part, including, for the first time, a significant representation of Wroclaw Tech, led by Rector Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs.

The event, during which possible platforms for cooperation within the alliance will be explored and established, is being organised by the French University Grenoble INP. A 30-strong delegation of academics, students, PhD students and staff from the Wrocław University of Technology is taking part in the meeting. Ahead of them are working meetings and debates on the future of the European university.

- It will be three intensive days that will allow us to better understand what we have in common and define common goals, above all in terms of creating new educational opportunities for students and doctoral students,' says Piotr Rutkowski, Ph.D., professor at the university and plenipotentiary of the rector for the Unite! - The idea of a European university is an opportunity for our students to access international education at the highest European level. I am glad that Wrocław University of Technology plays an important role in this process.

Unite! (University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering)  is a network of nine leading European technical universities representing different areas of our continent. Its aim is to develop a new model of European higher education, including through common curricula and flexible study paths.

More information about the event can be found here.



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