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Ukrainian researchers at Wrocław Tech under the NCS Polonez programme

Date: 01.06.2022 Category: general news

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Dr hab. Yaroslav Pavlyukh oraz dr Pavlo Sukhachov z Ukrainy zostali laureatami pierwszej edycji konkursu Polonez Bis. Obaj naukowcy swoje projekty badawcze będą prowadzić na Politechnice Wrocławskiej, a na ich realizację otrzymają łącznie ponad 1,8 mln zł. 

Polonez Bis is a competition co-financed by the European Commission and the National Centre for Science under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant. 120 experienced scientists from all over the world will be recruited in three competitions and gain placements at Polish universities for 24-month research projects. The competition aims to develop scientists’ careers by supporting their international mobility and financing ambitious research projects carried out in the best Polish science centres.

151 applications were submitted in the first edition, of which 50 projects were selected for funding. The selected group included two Ukrainian scientists who will conduct their research at the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology.

Zdjęcie ilustracyjneYaroslav Pavlyukh, PhD, Dsc received 1.1 million PLN for his project "Non-equilibrium electrons coupled to phonons”. The Ukrainian researcher received his doctoral degree from Germany's Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and is currently working in Italy at the University of Rome Tor Vergata as a scientific co-worker.

From September, his supervisor at Wrocław Tech will be Prof. Paweł Machnikowski.

Zdjęcie Pavlo SukhachovaMeanwhile, Pavlo Sukhachov, PhD received more than 700,000 PLN for the project named "Hydrodynamics and instabilities in topological matter”. Employed at Yale University as a Postdoctoral Associate, the researcher will also start working at Wrocław Tech in September, under the supervision of Piotr Surówka, PhD.

The scientist received his doctoral degree at the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


The competition was open to holders of a doctoral degree or those who have at least four years of full-time research experience and who have not been residents, employees or students in Poland for more than 12 months during the three years preceding the date of opening the application procedure. NCS targeted particularly those researchers whose lives, freedom or research careers are at risk, as well as those who are forced to flee or have been displaced. For more information, please visit the NCN website


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