48 people on the main list and 38 on the 2022 list - these are the results of researchers from the Wroclaw Tech in the latest edition of the prestigious ranking of the world's most influential people in science. The TOP 2% list includes the names of scientists whose publications are most frequently cited by other authors.
The TOP 2% ranking is compiled by analysts from Stanford University, Elsevier Publishing and SciTech Strategies. It evaluates the entire scientific output of researchers according to a bibliometric index, taking into account criteria such as Hirsch index, number of citations (including self-citation) or place in the list of authors.
The researchers were divided into 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields, according to the standard Science-Metrix classification. The ranking includes the names of the 100,000 most cited scientists by c-score (with and without self-citation) and the 2% most cited in a given sub-discipline. Two lists have been published: the overall list and the list for 2022. 62 people were ranked from our university, including 24 in both classifications.
The overall ranking included 48 people representing Wrocław University of Science and Technology, two more than last year. This gave Wroclaw Tech the fourth result among all Polish universities. A greater number of influential scientists can only boast: AGH University, Warsaw University and Warsaw University of Technology.
Prof. Rafał Weron from the Faculty of Management, Prof. Karl Keiner from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Prof. Katarzyna Chojnacka from the Faculty of Chemistry.
Our representatives on TOP 2% list of the world's best scientists
Prof. Rafał Weron (Faculty of Management)
- Prof. Karl Ulrich Kainer (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
- Prof. Katarzyna Chojnacka (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Paweł Pohl (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Grażyna Gryglewicz (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Michał Woźniak (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)
- Grzegorz Soboń, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)
- *Prof. Adam Janiak (former Faculty of Electronics)
- Prof. Marek Samoć (Faculty of Chemistry)
- *Prof. Stefan Chanas (former Faculty of Information and Management),
- Prof. Teresa Orłowska-Kowalska (Faculty of Electrical Engineering)
- Prof. Zbigniew Gronostajski (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
- Prof. Anna Witek-Krowiak (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. D. Robert Iskander (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology)
- Stanisław Gryglewicz, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Izabela Michalak, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology)
- Prof. Robert Kudrawiec (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology)
- Prof. Łukasz Sadowski (Faculty of Civil Engineering)
- Prof. Krzysztof Bogdan (Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics)
- Prof. Andrzej Trochimczuk (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Janusz Mroczka (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)
- Prof. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)
- Prof. Przemysław Kazienko (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)
- Prof. Marek Bryjak (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Krzysztof Walkowiak (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)
- Prof. Jan Misiewicz (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology)
- Prof. Jolanta Bryjak (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Jan Drzymała (Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology)
- Prof. Józef Oleksyszyn (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Rafał Zdunek, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)
- Jarosław Sotor, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)
- Jakub Jurasz, PhD, Eng (Faculty of Environmental Engineering)
- Lech Madeyski, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)
- Prof. Dorota Kuchta (Faculty of Management)
- Prof. Łukasz Berlicki (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Wacław Urbańczyk (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology)
- Piotr Rutkowski, PhD, DSc, university professor(Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Krzysztof Abramski (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)
- Prof. Krzysztof Schabowicz (Faculty of Civil Engineering)
- Prof. Adam Kasperski (Faculty of Management)
- Prof. Patrick Dewilde
- Karol Krzempek, PhD, Eng (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)
- Prof. Krzysztof Szabat (Faculty of Electrical Engineering)
- Prof. Henryk Kasprzak (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology)
- Prof. Jan Masajada (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology)
- Prof. Sławomir Sujecki (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)
- Prof. Leszek Rycerz (Faculty of Chemistry)
The list of people whose publications were most frequently cited by other authors in 2022 included 38 scientists from the Wroclaw Tech. Here, Prof Katarzyna Chojnacka, Prof Rafał Weron and Izabela Michalak, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Chemistry) ranked highest.
Prof. Katarzyna Chojnacka (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Rafał Weron (Faculty of Management)
- Izabela Michalak, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Paweł Pohl (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Karl Kainer (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
- Jakub Jurasz, PhD, Eng (Faculty of Environmental Engineering)
- Prof. Anna Witek-Krowiak (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Łukasz Sadowski (Faculty of Civil Engineering)
- Sławomir Porada, PhD, Eng (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Grzegorz Soboń, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)
- Prof. Michał Woźniak (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)
- Prof. Grażyna Gryglewicz (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Aleksei Chechkin (Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics)
- Michał Koziarski, PhD, Eng (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)
- Jarosław Sotor, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)
- Marcin Poręba, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Chemistry/Faculty of Medicine)
- Karol Krzempek, PhD, Eng (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)
- Mateusz Kwaśnicki, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics)
- Prof. Edward Chlebus (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
- Tomasz Trapko, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Civil Engineering)
- Prof. Krzysztof Schabowicz (Faculty of Civil Engineering)
- Prof. Robert Kudrawiec (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology)
- Prof. Marcin Drąg (Faculty of Chemistryy)
- Prof. Krzysztof Walkowiak (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)
- Prof. Zbigniew Gronostajski (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
- Prof. Tomasz Downarowicz (Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics)
- Prof. D. Robert Iskander (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology)
- Prof. Marek Samoć (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Radosław Zimroz (Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology)
- Demis Pandelidis, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering)
- Prof. Teresa Orłowska-Kowalska (Faculty of Electrical Engineering)
- Jan Zaręba, PhD, Eng (Faculty of Chemistry)
- Prof. Jan Drzymała (Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology)
- Marek Hawryluk, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
- Prof. Sławomir Sujecki (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)
- Prof. Krzysztof Abramski (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)
- Róża Goścień, PhD, DSc, university professor (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)
- Prof. Janusz Mroczka (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)