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Teaching Excellence Seminars: Patricia Rosado Pinto - Facing new challenges with new tools

Patricia Rosado Pinto, PhD, from the NOVA University (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), will deliver his lecture within the Teaching Excellence Seminars series.

Patricia Rosado PintoThe seminar "Facing new challenges with new tools: the importance of transversal training in Higher Education" will take place on 26 April, via the Zoom platform. It will start at 1 p.m. The meeting will be held in English.

Link to the meeting

ID: 981 1482 4654

Access code: 112306

Patricia Rosado Pinto has recently retired from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA University). She was until recently a member of NOVA Rectoral Team, as Pro-Rector, being responsible for NOVA Forma, a strategic Unit integrating "NOVA Doctoral School", "NOVA Pedagogical Innovation Office" and "NOVA Edu_ Digital Office".

She holds a PhD in Education and, before being Pro-Rector, she coordinated the Medical Education Office at NOVA Medical School.

She has been involved in several national and international higher education teachers’ training programs and in educational consultancy. Her fields of expertise and publication are Medical Education and Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.

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Teaching Excellence Seminars (TES) is a series of seminars with experienced practitioners, researchers and educational improvement officers at universities from Poland and around the world. The meetings promote proven and effective teaching practices shared with our community by prominent experts from other academic centres.

Wrocław University of Science and Technology © 2025

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