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Teaching Excellence Seminars: Jerzy Łątka – Learning by doing and interdisciplinarity

Jerzy Łątka, PhD, from the Faculty of Architecture of the WUST and TU Delft, will deliver his lecture within the Teaching Excellence Seminars series.

The lecture, "Learning by doing and interdisciplinarity as a key for creative problem based teaching", will take place on 26 January one the Zoom platform, starting at 12.00.

Link to the meeting

ID: 933 3645 7430

Access code: 933 3645 7430

Jerzy ŁątkaJerzy Łątka received PhD at TU Delft for a dissertation “Paper in architecture. Research by design, engineering and prototyping”. He taught at TU Delft, TU Darmstadt and WUST, he is a member of the University of Universities, a network of 40 international schools of art and architecture.

In 2019/20 he was as a post-doc at TU Darmstadt cooperating with BAMP! research group. Since March 2021 he is a head of interdisciplinary research grant “Transportable Ecological Cardboard House”.

Jerzy is a leader of the research and design platform on paper in architecture:

Jerzy was selected as one of the 10 top innovators under 35 from Poland by MIT Technology Review (2017), one of the 30 Creative Citizens of Wroclaw (2017), one of the best academic teachers in Wroclaw in plebiscite organized by Radio LUZ (2021), received first prize in the contest for scientific communicators FameLab Poland (2021), received honorable mention as the best scientific supervisor in Poland (2022).

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Teaching Excellence Seminars (TES) is a series of meetings with experienced and outstanding academic educators from top universities in Poland and abroad. The purpose of the meetings is to share with our community the excellent teaching practices by experts from other academic centers.

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