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Successful performance at San Sebastian Regatta

Date: 19.10.2016 Category: sport, student activity

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

Our athletes took part in the academic regatta organised on the river Urmea in San Sebastian by the University of the Basque Country. The men's octuple scull took the second place, while the women's quad came fourth

The qualifying round involved a 2,500 race, and the final was a 600 m sprint. - We are very happy about the event - enthuses Sebastian Łanda of the WUST quadruple scull. - We rowed the race in a new line-up, for which in fact it was only the fourth time on the water. It was more difficult for us to race, as we didn't have our own boat but instead used one that was given to us by the organisers. Anyway, we were very close to winning in the final race.

The students stress that they were enchanted by the Basques' hospitality. - The way they received us was very friendly. They were impressed by the fact that we'd decided to come all that long way by car. They ensured excellent conditions for us. It's a shame though that they didn't manage to fix better weather for the regatta. It happened to be raining - smiles the oarsman.

WUST rowers have already finished their season on the water and are now beginning training with ergometers in building H-14.

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