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Six WUST scientists to leave for foreign placements

Date: 10.01.2020 Category: general news, science/research/innovation

The Polish National Agency For Academic Exchange has announced the results of its Bekker Scholarship Programme. Six scientists from Wrocław University of Science and Technology received scholarships amounting to nearly 1.5 million PLN to cover the cost of their stay in renowned scientific centres abroad.

il_badania.jpgThe aim of the programme is to increase the international mobility of Polish researchers and academic teachers by enabling them to undergo a post-doctoral placement, conduct research, or to obtain material for scientific work in prestigious foreign institutions on a scholarship basis.

The placements were granted to 126 people, including the following six scientists from Wrocław University of Science and Technology:

  • Demi Pandelidis, PhD, Eng (Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering) - a 24 months’ placement at the University of Illinois (USA), with the subsidy amount of 382,000 PLN.
  • Mateusz Dyksik, PhD (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology) - a 24 months’ placement at the Centre National de la Recherchescificque (France), with the subsidy amount of 345,000 PLN
  • Łukasz Płocinniczak, PhD, Dsc, Eng (Faculty Of Mathematics) - an 18 months’ placement at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain), with the subsidy amount of 301,000 PLN.
  • Jan Kopaczek, PhD, Eng (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology) - an 18 months’ placement at Arizona State University (USA), with the subsidy amount of 228,000 PLN.
  • Daria Podstawczyk, PhD, Eng (Faculty of Chemistry) - a 12 months’ placement at Texas A&M University (USA), with the subsidy amount of 156,000 PLN.
  • Tomasz Olszewski, PhD, DSc(Faculty of Chemistry) - a 3 months’ placement at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), with the subsidy amount of 43,000 PLN.

Of all the applications eligible for funding, the largest group by researchers specialising in life sciences, social sciences, as well as engineering and technology. As for the most popular destinations, these are the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and the Netherlands.

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