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Professor Ewaryst Rafajłowicz Becomes New Member of Polish Academy of Sciences

Date: 06.12.2016 Category: awards, general news

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On December 1, the new members of the academy were appointed in the General Meeting of the Polish Academy of Sciences.  28 people joined the group of full members. Among the corresponding members there are 35 new scientists, including Professor Ewaryst Rafajłowicz from Wrocław University of Science and Technology

profesor_ewaryst_rafajlowicz.jpgThe membership in the Polish Academy of Sciences is a testimony of the country's scientific milieu's highest recognition. It is also one of the highest academic honours, granted perpetually by the General Meeting of the academy. The number of academy members is permanent, i.e. 350 professors hailing from all fields of science.

Professor Rafajłowicz will participate in the works of the 4th Department of Technical Sciences. The researcher deals with automatics and robotics, specialising in controlling systems with time-space dynamics as well as statistical methods of quality control and image processing.

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