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Earthquakes and attempts to deceive the brain - spectacular physical demonstrations

Date: 01.07.2019 Category: general news , science/research/innovation , conferences/seminars/lectures , workshops/presentations/trainings

How to talk about science in an interesting way? Guests from the country’s various universities shared their ways to present experiments and physical phenomena as WUST hosted the 19th Meeting of the National Physics Demonstrators' Clubmore

A Car or an oven? WUST Students’ experiment

Date: 01.07.2019 Category: general news , student activity

How fast does the temperature rise inside a car? What is the maximum value that it can reach? When do the conditions become dangerous for human health? Our students tried to answer these questions during the experiment named "Heat in the car"more

Jacek Mazurkiewicz, PhD, Eng wins an award in the competition named “A Mug for a Lecturer”

Date: 01.07.2019 Category: general news

Jacek Mazurkiewicz, PhD, Eng from the Faculty of Electronics has been voted the nicest lecturer in Wrocław. The academic teacher won 3,144 votes, outstripping Professor Wanda Patrzałek and Tomasz Piwowarczyk, PhD, Eng from the University of Wrocławmore

A new sports complex is under construction

Date: 28.06.2019 Category: general news , sport

The foundation stone for the construction of the new sports hall has been laid at the campus of Wrocław University of Science and Technology in Chełmońskiego Street. The construction work is expected to be completed in July 2020more

WUST’s new facility development projects

Date: 15.06.2019 Category: general news

The construction of the InnoCamp-GEO2 research centre and the comprehensive renovation of the former hospital at Hoene-Wrońskiego Street are the two most important projects planned by WUST in the coming yearsmore

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