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Renowned academics and experts at Wrocław Tech. Building Bridges conference ahead

Date: 19.11.2024 Category: general news , conferences/seminars/lectures , international cooperation

Nearly 200 scientists specialising in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and science will come to Wrocław Tech to participate in the Building Bridges conference (26-28 November, building H-14).more

Winner of the Lem Prize 2024: Tobias Dornheim, PhD

Date: 15.11.2024 Category: awards , ceremonies

Theoretical physicist Tobias Dornheim, PhD from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has been named the winner of the Lem Prize 2024.more

Honorary doctorate of the Wroclaw Tech for prof. Ferenc Krausz

Date: 15.11.2024 Category: general news , university life

Winner of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics, the eminent Hungarian scientist and creator of attosecond physics received an honorary doctorate from our university. Prof Ferenc Krausz received the award at a ceremony in the auditorium of the Wrocław Techmore

Prof. Steve Evans: Sustainability - what do we have to do next?

Date: 14.11.2024 Category: conferences/seminars/lectures

Is there still a chance for sustainable global industry? Prof. Steve Evans from the University of Cambridge has been studying this question for many years. He will share his experiences at the Interdisciplinary Science Seminar at Wrocław Tech.more

Interview with the rector of Wrocław Tech

Date: 31.10.2024 Category: general news

Our rector talks about plans for the coming years, the development of social sciences, strengthening cooperation with the environment and ensuring that Wrocław Tech is an open, accessible, safe, inclusive and supportive university.more

Wrocław University of Science and Technology © 2025

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