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Our delegation at Politehnica University in Timisoara

Date: 22.10.2024 Category: international cooperation

Zdjęcie grupowe ludzi władz obu uczelni

Rector Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs and Prof. Katarzyna Chojnacka, Vice-Rector for External Relations, visited Romania's Politehnica University Timisoara (UPT). During the two-day visit, our delegation discussed, among other things, prospects for teaching and research cooperation.

Politehnica University Timisoara is one of the largest technical universities in Central and Eastern Europe. It has more than 13,000 students and 700 PhD students studying at 10 faculties. UPT employs 800 academic and 1,000 administrative staff. Since 2023, the Romanian university has been a member of the European University Alliance E³UDRES².

During their stay in Timisoara (17-18 October), Prof Arkadiusz Wójs and Prof Katarzyna Chojnacka met with Prof Florin Drăgan, rector of UPT, as well as the vice-rectors for research and education and the vice-president of the university senate.

The main topic of discussion was the prospect of teaching and research cooperation.

- In particular, we focused on the possibilities of cooperation in terms of student exchange under the Erasmus programme and the creation of joint research consortia, says Prof Arkadiusz Wójs, rector of Wrocław Tech.

The visit is expected to result in joint applications for grants in the Horizon Europe programme, particularly in the areas of mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical and medical engineering. The choice of these particular areas was dictated by an earlier analysis of UPT's strategy and development directions.

- In addition, we have organised an online meeting for the deans of faculties of both universities concerning the areas we have identified as key for our further cooperation,' says Professor Katarzyna Chojnacka, Vice-Rector for External Relations. - We will also organise a so-called proposal writing week either in Poland or Romania. This event will be devoted to the joint writing of grant proposals by our and Romanian scientists.


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