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More sports at Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Date: 02.09.2020 Category: general news, sport

Wrocław University of Science and Technology has been enriched with a new sports centre. Located at 16  Chełmońskiego St., the complex houses basketball and volleyball pitches, a gym, and rooms for dance practice and combat sports.

otwarcie_nowej_hali_sportowej_3.jpgThe university campus’s new building was opened on Monday, August 31. The opening ceremony was attended, in addition to members of university authorities and representatives of the building contractors and designers, by Wojciech Murdzek, Minister of Science and Higher Education.

– The sports centre was created in the exceptional circumstances of the coronavirus epidemic, so I’m all the more pleased that we have managed to achieve this project. This is an excellent example of the continuation of commitments from the previous terms because exactly 4 years ago we opened, right next door, the first sports hall - said Professor Cezary Madryas, the outgoing rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. – This centre is the second element of the construction of a large sports complex, which is to include a swimming pool. This great investment would not have been possible without the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, for which I would like to thank now – added the rector.

otwarcie_nowej_hali_sportowej_8.jpgThe development project was divided into two stages. The first one consisted in erecting a building with basketball and volleyball pitches, an administration section, locker rooms, and sanitary facilities. The stands will seat almost 230 sports fans, which will make it possible for the facility to host competitions of the Academic Championships of Poland. The second stage comprised the construction of a smaller building with exercise rooms - a gym, martial arts hall, dance practice room, and a fitness room with a locker room and sanitary facilities. Also, the development includes internal streets, car parks, and pavements.

– This development project – a beautiful crowning of WUST authorities’ ending term – is now symbolically handed over to the new rector. It also proves that Wrocław University of Science and Technology, despite its rich history, keeps thinking about developing and improving its position as a tertiary institute. Back then, as a student, I used to come to  Chełmońskiego Street for sports classes and the conditions we had at that time were incomparable to what we can see here today. I’m happy that this place is changing in such a beautiful way – emphasised Wojciech Murdzek, Minister of Science and Higher Education.

mk1_1453.jpgThe tender for the development of the sports centre was settled in December 2018. The first works started in late January 2019, and the cornerstone was laid in June 2019. Students will start using the facility at the beginning of the new academic year. The value of the investment amounts to over 45 million PLN.

– At a time when the whole world has a health problem, struggling with the coronavirus pandemic, we’re handing over the building, which encourages physical activity among students. I believe it’s an expression of optimism and hope that this difficult time is slowly coming to an end. It’s worth remembering that through sport we learn perseverance and humbleness, but we also learn to win and endure defeats. These are things we should teach our students, too – added Professor Arkadiusz Wójs, Rector Elect of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

According to Robert Jarosz, Director of WUST’s Department of Physical Education and Sports, each new investment is a proof of systematic development and Wrocław University of Science and Technology operating in line with the modern university model. – We can safely say that now we have the most beautiful campus also in terms of sports facilities because it was missing here before. It’s a turning point in our history and a dream come true not only for former directors of studies and university staff but also for students who represent the university at regional and national competitions – stressed the director.

Currently, students of Wrocław University of Science and Technology can practice sports at six facilities that belong to the university, satisfying about 80% of the educational needs in this respect. They can choose from over 40 different sports, including handball, futsal, rowing, volleyball, and bodybuilding.



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