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Millions to be funnelled to WUST scientists’ basic research

Date: 18.05.2017 Category: general news, science/research/innovation

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

The National Science Centre has announced the winners of the 12th edition of Opus, Preludium and Sonata competitions, including 18 scientists from Wrocław University of Science and Technology, who received a total of 6.5 million PLN for their research projects

  Held twice a year, Preludium and Sonata are the most popular competitions organised by the National Science Centre. In the May edition, almost 435 million PLN was granted to Polish researchers. 

The largest number of grants was received by our scientists under the Opus 12 programme, where the funds can be funnelled into research programmes, e.g. for the purchase or production of research apparatuses necessary for the execution of the projects. The winners include 9 people of WUST.    

As for the Preludium 12 programme, where the funds go to people without a doctoral degree who are only starting their careers in science, six WUST researchers received the grants. 

Under the programme named Sonata 12, three scientists of our university received grants for research programmes undertaken by doctors beginning their scientific careers.

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