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Master's degree at Wroclaw Tech? It's worth it! Join us!

Date: 13.01.2023 Category: admission


The winter intake for master's programmes at Wrocław Tech is underway. There are 64 courses on offer, including 20 in English and two novelties.

There are 3,700 places waiting for candidates for full-time studies and 350 for part-time studies. At the same time, we will be recruiting for part-time first-cycle studies in mining and geology (60 places).

Two new second-cycle degree programmes are: electronic mechatronic systems at the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems and nuclear power engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering.

Details of the recruitment requirements and descriptions of all available courses can be found on the Recruitment Department website.

Applicants have until 9 February 2023 to register in the system and pay the recruitment fee. Admission lists will be announced on 14 February.

What's new?

Electronic Mechatronic Systems is a brand new course of study that has been created at the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems. It will cover the latest topics in mechatronics with a strong emphasis on electronics, software and sensors and microsystems. Students will cover topics in sensor technology, digital data analysis and control and actuation.

Meanwhile, graduates of Nuclear Power Engineering, a new course at the Faculty of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, will gain knowledge and skills in nuclear physics and chemistry. They will learn about the elements of radiological protection, construction and operation of modern nuclear reactors, nuclear safety, materials engineering and the nuclear fuel cycle.

The study programme will be implemented in cooperation with foreign and domestic institutes and companies related to the nuclear power industry. It is also supported by visiting professors and specialists from industry.


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