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Lower Silesian Cyber-Security Cluster inaugurates its activity

Date: 22.01.2019 Category: general news, science/research/innovation

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

Protection of the most important IT resources and development of secure software are among the areas of the Lower Silesian Cyber-Security Cluster’s operation. A cluster council has been established to coordinate the organisation’s activities.

spotkanie_czlonkow_dolnoslaskiego_klastra_cyberbezpieczenstwa_1.jpgThe cluster was established in May 2018 on the initiative of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. January 15 was the day of the inaugural meeting of its council, which consists of representatives of the organisation’s all members. Apart from coordinating the cluster's activities, it will also act as a curriculum council for the Cyber-Security degree programme, conducted at the Faculty of Electronics, which allows one to gain knowledge in fields such as network security, information and telecommunication systems, and data protection.

Its students receive education in the fields of mathematics and telecommunications, their technical, legal and organisational aspects, and with emphasis on in-depth knowledge of the security of operating systems as well as computer and telecommunications networks.

Currently, they can choose two specialisations - Information and Communication Network Security and Data Security. There are also plans to launch a third specialisation - Security in the Power Industry, to be conducted in cooperation with WUST’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering - as well as introduce 2nd cycle programmes.

During Tuesday's meeting, the most important directions of the cluster’s activity for 2019 were also defined. The main areas of its members’ cooperation will comprise  

  • cyber-security;
  • management, law, and audit;
  • computer science;
  • electromagnetic security;
  • application security;
  • penetration tests.

spotkanie_czlonkow_dolnoslaskiego_klastra_cyberbezpieczenstwa_4.jpg The group’s activity is part of the all-European drive for defence systems development - especially so in the view of the fact that in 2013, the European cyber-security strategy was established, while in 2015, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe reached a consensus with respect to measures concerning network and information systems’ security as well as the reform of the data protection system.

The Lower Silesian Security Cluster is also to be involved in the implementation of the project named "Cyber-Security for the Economy of the Future", for which Wrocław University of Science and Technology received a grant amounting to almost 22 million PLN from the National Centre for Research and Development.

The project is expected to start in April 2019 and end in March 2023.


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