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Jacek Mazurkiewicz, PhD, Eng wins an award in the competition named “A Mug for a Lecturer”

Date: 01.07.2019 Category: general news

Jacek Mazurkiewicz, PhD, Eng from the Faculty of Electronics has been voted the nicest lecturer in Wrocław. The academic teacher won 3,144 votes, outstripping Professor Wanda Patrzałek and Tomasz Piwowarczyk, PhD, Eng from the University of Wrocław.

dr_jacek_mazurkiewicz_-_laureat_konkursu_kubek_dla_wykladowcy_3.jpgThe poll "A Mug for a Lecturer", organised by Academic Radio Luz for the seventh time, as usual took place in June. For students of Wrocław’s universities, it’s an opportunity to express their appreciation for teachers who, apart from knowing how to perfectly deliver their knowledge, inspire students and show their concern for their well-being.

Teachers from all universities in Wrocław were eligible to take part in the poll, on condition that they do not hold administrative roles or have been winners in previous years.

In total, over 8 thousand votes were cast in the competition, and the winner was Jacek Mazurkiewicz PhD, Eng from the Faculty of Electronics of WUST, who received 3,144 votes - the best result in the history of the competition. The second place was taken by Professor Wanda Patrzałek from the University of Wrocław, who got 1,750 votes, and the third place by Tomasz Piwowarczyk PhD, Eng (965 votes), who also works at the University of Wrocław.

The winner received "A Mug for a lecturer" on Monday and was on the same day interviewed on the Academic Radio Luz.

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