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Introduction Days for international students

Date: 23.09.2016 Category: studies, workshops/presentations/trainings

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

Winter semester of academic year 2016/2017 is going to start in a few days. This year more than 600 international students will starts theirs adventure at our University. Half of them are participants of international exchange programmes, such as: Erasmus+ including European and non-European countries, Erasmus Mundus and Students Exchange Programme. Second half consist of students who will starts their full-time studies at Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Admission Office and International Office organize for all of those students Introduction Days, a special event dedicated  to introduce our university and help the newly arrived get acclimatized in Wrocław, which will be held on Thursday and Friday.


First day of this event is dedicated to full-time students. This year there are a lot of students from Ukraine and India, but also one student form Guatemala decided to study at WUST.  

During second day, exchange and full-time students will have great opportunity to get to know more about departments that have the most importance for international students.

Freshmen will also have a chance to ask questions to international students who already took part in exchange programme and decide to stay in Wrocław for longer period.

More information you can find here.


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