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Inauguration of the Academic Year 2016/2017

Date: 28.09.2016 Category: ceremonies, general news, university life

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

The ceremonial inauguration of the academic year 2016/2017 at Wrocław University of Science and Technology will be held on Monday, October 3, at 09.30 am at the Main Building's assembly hall


  • ceremonial opening;
  • handing over of the insignia of the office of Rector;
  • inauguration speech of Rector, Professor Cezary Madryas; 
  • matriculation ceremony - admitting undergraduate and doctoral students to the University;
  • awarding Professor Wojciech Glabisz with the Medal of Wrocław University of Science and Technology; 
  • granting the title of honorary professor of Wrocław University of Science and Technology to  Professor Tadeusz Słomka, Rector of AGH University of Science and Technology;
  • handing Wrocław University of Science and Technology Golden Badges with a Diamond to: Grzegorz Dzik, president of the board of the Western Chamber of Commerce, honorary consul of Ukraine and president of Impel S.A., Professor Andrzej Mulak and Professor Jerzy Zdanowski; 
  • inauguration lecture by Professor Maciej Chorowski, director of the National Centre for Research and Development;
  • handing of the Medals of the Commission of National Education; handing of Rector's Special Awards "Docendo Discimus". 

The ceremonial event will be graced with a performance by the Academic Choir of Wrocław University of Science and Technology conducted by Małgorzata Sapiecha-Muzioł.

The traditional concert will take place in the Main Building's assembly hall at 07.00 pm.

Additionally, Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology invites you to a holy mass for the staff and students at the Church of the Holiest Heart of Jesus in Grunwaldzki square 3. The mass begins on October 2, at 06.00 pm.


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