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If considering an implementation doctorate programme, look no further than WUST

Date: 11.09.2020 Category: general news

As many as 58 doctorates submitted by Wrocław University of Science and Technology in ten scientific disciplines have received funding under the fourth edition of the "Implementation Doctorate" programme. Almost 19 million PLN was granted to our young scientists for their research.

rekrutacja_do_szkoly_doktorskiej_2.jpgImplementation doctorates are an alternative way of obtaining a doctoral degree, designed for people who – while developing their career as researchers - do not want to give up their professional work outside the university. Their main goal of the initiative is to enable the participant to prepare a doctoral dissertation that will help a given company in its operation.

This year's edition of the programme consisted of two modules – the "Implementation Doctorate I", based on the standard rules, and "Implementation Doctorate II - Artificial Intelligence", which supports doctoral theses dedicated to the application of artificial intelligence, including those related to cybersecurity.

– Wrocław University of Science and Technology has received funding for 58 doctorates submitted in ten scientific disciplines. It should be stressed that the success rate is 100%, i.e. all the submitted subjects have received funding – says Professor Krzysztof Walkowiak, Dean of WUST’s Doctoral School.

It is worth noting that the number of implementation doctorates obtained this year is greater than the sum of all the doctorates obtained so far in the three previous editions of the "Implementation Doctorate” programme, in which Wrocław University of Science and Technology received funding for 47 doctorates (in 2017, 2018, and 2019 it was 5, 18, and 24 doctorates respectively).

Currently, admission interviews are being held at WUST’s Doctoral School for candidates applying for the implementation doctorate programme in their disciplines.

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