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FAQ: How WUST will work during the academic year 2021/2022

Date: 18.09.2020 Category: general news

[29.03.2022] Please read the answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions about the functioning of the university during the academic year 2021/2022. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us at

In what form are the classes conducted?

The first two weeks completely remote, from 14 March a hybrid mode - this is how education at Wrocław University of Technology will look in the summer semester of the academic year 2021/2022.

Is it obligatory to cover the nose and mouth in university buildings?

As of 28 March 2022, the obligation to cover the mouth and nose in Wroclaw University of Technology facilities has been lifted.

However, with the safety of the university community in mind, we recommend that you disinfect your hands and wear masks while at the university.

Can I use the library?

The Wrocław University of Science and Technology Library is open from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.

Can employees perform their duties remotely?

Employees whose duties can be fully performed outside the university premises can be directed to perform remote work.

What will conferences and events held at the university look like?

It is allowed to organize university-wide or departmental events, fairs, exhibitions, conferences, meetings at Wrocław University of Science and Technology in accordance with the applicable regulations and sanitary and epidemiological guidelines.

Is it allowed to participate in domestic and foreign conferences or trainings?

Employees, doctoral students and students are allowed to participate in conferences, symposia, trainings, seminars, sports events, organized in a stationary form, in accordance with the applicable regulations and sanitary and epidemiological guidelines.
It is obliged to comply with all sanitary-epidemiological safety requirements in force during the trip. The delegated employee is obliged to learn about and comply with the sanitary-epidemiological safety requirements at the place of destination.

What about diploma theses?

It is allowed to carry out a diploma work also in a stationary or mixed form with maintaining safety requirements binding on the day of conducting the classes. The mode and method of its realization is determined each time by the thesis supervisor with the consent of the Dean.

How will consultations look like?

Consultations for students will be conducted remotely - synchronously using distance learning methods and techniques. In particularly justified individual cases, after prior arrangement with the teacher, consultations can be conducted in traditional form while maintaining the existing sanitary and epidemiological safety requirements.

What about exams and credits?

Examinations, including diploma exams and final course tests, may be held, with the consent of the Deans of the Faculties, the Dean of the Doctoral School, the Heads of the Branch Offices, the Directors of the Studies and the Director of the Department of Postgraduate Education and E-learning, in remote or traditional form, while maintaining the applicable sanitary and epidemiological safety requirements.

What is the possibility of internships and placements?

Issues related to internships, field trips for students and doctoral students, as well as the activities of student research clubs are left to the discretion and authority of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Deans of Faculties, Dean of the Doctoral School, Heads of Branch Offices, Directors of Studies and Director of Postgraduate Education and E-learning.

Under the POWER internship program, the decision rests with the Vice-Rector for Cooperation.

Do the PWr recreation centers operate?

Yes, in accordance with current regulations and sanitary and epidemiological guidelines.

What about the canteen and cafeteria in SKS and clubs in building A-1?

The cafeteria in the Student Cultural Zone is open from 10:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cafeteria is closed. The Bistro Caffeteria and Professor's Club in Building A-1 are open.

Do the Student Houses operate?

Yes, in accordance with current regulations and sanitary and epidemiological guidelines.


  • only single and double rooms are available,
  • covering the nose and mouth is required in common areas,
  • visitors are not allowed.

Procedures to be followed in the case of a COVID-19 infection or suspected COVID-19 infection among the academic community of Wrocław University of Science and Technology


Alarming symptoms - what should you do?

If you experience any alarming symptoms, you should do the following:

  • stay at home,
  • inform your superior/Dean's Office of this fact,
  • call your primary health care physician (teleconsultation).

If your health condition deteriorates, call 999 or 112 and provide information about the possibility of contracting the coronavirus.

Suspected infection in a person at the campus

A person with symptoms of infection, staying on the premises of the university, should be immediately removed from work/classes.

In each building or complex of buildings, there is a room designated to isolate such a person until transport home or to a hospital is arranged for them.

A person (employee, student, doctoral student) who, while on the premises of the university, observe that they have developed symptoms indicating a SARS-CoV-2 infection, is obliged to contact:

  1. a primary health care physician (teleconsultation)/emergency ambulance service/sanitary and epidemiological station (phone numbers attached);
  2. the university’s Occupational Health & Safety and Fire Protection Division - on the phone: 71 320 25 81 or by e-mail:;
  3. direct superior/Dean.

What should be kept in mind?

An employee of Wrocław University of Science and Technology must immediately notify their superior and the university’s OHS and FP Division of the following:

  • the occurrence of symptoms indicating the possibility of a SARS-CoV-2 infection;
  • their contact with a person who has been confirmed infected with the virus (over the past 10 days);
  • confined treatment
  • quarantine or isolation under domestic or sanitary quarantine (outside the home).

The superior is obliged to convey such information immediately to the Human Resources Department

Students and doctoral students who have stayed at the university over the past 10 days are obliged to immediately provide information on the following to the e-mail address indicated by the Dean's Office:

  • receiving confined treatment;
  • undergoing quarantine or staying in isolation in a home environment;
  • undergoing sanitary quarantine (outside the home).

Dean's Offices immediately forward this information to the Vice-Rector for Students' Affairs.

Important addresses and telephones

  • 24/7 NFZ helpline - 800 190 590,
  • Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS) -
  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education -
Wrocław University of Science and Technology © 2025

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