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European Physical Society Conference at Wroclaw Tech

Date: 16.02.2024 Category: conferences/seminars/lectures

Zdjęcie grupowe uczestników

A prestigious international conference of the European Physical Society was held at the Wroclaw Tech on 14-15 February. The event was organised by the EPS Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Section and the Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics.

During the conference, the EPS Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Prizes were awarded. These are presented biennially by the European Physical Society (EPS) in recognition of outstanding research achievements in statistical physics, nonlinear physics, complex systems and complex networks.

The laureates for 2023 in the experienced scientist category are:

  • Amnon Aharony  (Tel Aviv University, Israel) is honored "for his seminal contributions in the application of renormalization group theory to critical phenomena and classification of universality classes, fractals and percolation, and the theory of disordered magnetic systems".
  • Amos Maritan (University of Padova, Italy) is honored "for his seminal contributions in the understanding of the physical principles underlying collective behavior in biological systems, including protein folding, DNA organization, ecosystems, and river networks".

Zdjęcie czwórki laureatów nagród

In the young researchers category, on the other hand, the winners were:

  • Ada Altieri (Université Paris Cité) - for her outstanding contribution to theory of the jamming transition and to interdisciplinary applications of statistical physics to species-rich ecosystems,
  • Patrick Pietzonka (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems) - for his outstanding contribution to the statistics of current fluctuations in active systems and to thermodynamic uncertainty relations.

In keeping with tradition, all laureates will give their lectures during the conference. A detailed programme is available on the event website.

Three of our researchers are on the conference organising committee: Prof. Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron (who also sits on the board of the EPS Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Section), Prof. Marcin Magdziarz and Michał Balcerek, PhD.


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