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Developing cooperation with German universities. Visit of representatives of 20 universities

Date: 29.03.2023 Category: general news, international cooperation


A delegation of 20 rectors and chancellors of German universities visited Wrocław University of Science and Technology. During the meeting with the authorities of our university, they learnt about the structure and functioning of Wroclaw Tech and discussed, among other things, the development of internationalisation.


The educational mission is organised by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), one of the world's most important organisations supporting international academic exchange. Founded in 1925 in Heidelberg, it creates programmes enabling universities to implement their own internationalisation strategies.   

 The DAAD has already supported approx. 2 million students and researchers from Germany and abroad. The organisation is also actively involved in the internationalisation process of German universities, supports initiatives to promote German studies and the German language abroad, cooperates with developing countries and acts as an advisory body to key policy makers in the fields of science, education and development.  

Among the guests were the rectors of the Leipzig University, the Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus and the University of Regensburg.  

- I have personal ties with some German universities and have worked with many of you in the course of conducting research work. As have many of our scientists, PhD students and undergraduates who have benefited from various visits, trainings and joint projects with scientists from Germany. I hope that this cooperation will continue in the future and bring us many benefits," said Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs, Wroclaw Tech rector.  

h14_16.jpgDuring the meeting at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, issues such as internationalisation, savings in the context of the energy and environmental crisis and the situation of the universities during the coronavirus pandemic were discussed. Issues related to the war in Ukraine and the support the Wrocław University of Science and Technology provides to students and researchers from that country were also raised.  

DAAD representatives also became acquainted with Wroclaw Tech's strategy and structure, its funding methods, research conducted and technology transfer.  

DAAD educational visits are organised periodically as a response to the interest of representatives of German universities in the functioning of Polish institutions of higher education. This time, DAAD members will stay in Poland until 1 April and during that time they will visit universities in Wrocław, Kraków and Warsaw.


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