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Cooperation agreement signed with Metegrity Company

Date: 28.10.2016 Category: general news, international cooperation, studies

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Joint innovation-oriented R&D works, organisation of student internships, as well as shaping curricula so that they cater for the needs of the labour market make up the key premiss of the cooperation agreement signed by Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the company Metegrity

The relevant letter of intent was signed on Thursday by Professor Cezary Madryas, Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology and Professor Andrzej Dziedzic, Vice-Rector for Education. The signatories to the agreement on the part of Metegrity were Adrian Met, President of the Board of Metegrity and Robert Jabłoński, Director of the company's Wrocław branch.

The entities have been cooperating for over 10 years. Under the joint scheme, students of the Faculty of Electroncs have travelled to the enterprise's Canadian unit, with some of them landing jobs with Metegrity. On the other hand, the company's representatives have been keen to participate in diverse conferences organised at the faculty.

The new agreement is intended to involve initiatives including joint research and development work aiming to develop and implement innovative technological solutions, organisation of student internships, and cooperation oriented towards employment of university graduates. Importantly, there will be particular emphasis on cooperation with scientific clubs and students' organisations.

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