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A solar boat to be entered for a Monaco competition

Date: 06.11.2018 Category: general news, student activity

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

Students of Wrocław University of Science and Technology are working on a boat powered with photovoltaic panels, which they intend to present at an international competition in Monaco. Currently, they’re developing a prototype, with first tests on the river Odra to begin in spring

budowa_lodzi_solarnej_fot_piotr_fratczak_2.jpgThe project involves the construction of a 5.5-metre one-man boat equipped with 6 square metres of photovoltaic panels. Interestingly, our students decided to go one step beyond this concept and combine it with an aeroplane. – The task of revamping a kayak to feature solar propulsion isn’t very hard in itself, so we decided to take the plunge, as we want to apply hydro-wings in our design - explains Robert Płaczek, member of the construction group.

Hydro-wings are special aerofoils installed under the carbon fibre hull. When a certain speed is reached, they cause the hull to surface, resulting in a decrease in resistance and the boat’s higher speed. The engine applied for the design will feature a power of 5 kW. 

One of the project’s biggest challenges consists in developing a proper control system. For the purpose of their project, the students chose to apply three-surface control and find it important to have fully automatic control of one of the surfaces. 

budowa_lodzi_solarnej_fot_piotr_fratczak_4.jpg– The fundamental thing will clearly be the rudder, which is an element of every boat - a purely mechanical solution in that it will use a system of pulleys, cords, and direct gear ratio. The second surface will be the up-down control, thanks to which it will be possible to improve the stability, for instance by applying an extra load to the boat’s back. These will, of course, be controlled by the pilot - adds Robert Płaczek.

The third and most innovative solution will be a fully automatic system providing roll axis control. 

As for the cooling system, it will be designed in cooperation with an external company, as all batteries, control devices, and other electronic devices will generate large amounts of heat, which will have to be carried off. 

In addition, the boat will be equipped with a fire extinguisher and an emergency system to turn off all devices in case the pilot loses control of the vehicle.

The young constructors are currently working on the first prototype of the boat, with the first tests to be carried out on the river Odra in spring. Their plans about the boat include entering it for a solar boat competition to be held in Monaco in 2019 - the world’s biggest and most prestigious event of this kind, not only for students but also professional teams of constructors.

The teams participating in it will compete in three challenges - acceleration, slalom, and race.


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