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Prof. Joseph Weiler - The Secret Life of Bees

Date: 06.05.2021

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WUST’s Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar returns after a break. In its May edition, the lecture will be delivered by Joseph Weiler – professor of law at New York University and Senior Fellow at the Harvard Center for European Studies.

j_weiler_isn.jpgProfessor Weiler who also served as President of the European University Institute in Florence, specialises in constitutional and EU law. He is an Editor-in-Chief of “European Journal of International Law” (EJIL) and “International Journal of Constitutional Law” (ICON).

Several of his books, such as “The Constitution of Europe – Do the New Clothes Have an Emperor?” have been translated into many languages. His book A Christian Europe was also published in Poland (W drodze, Poznań 2003). He is, too, the author of a novella in German, “Der Fall Steinmann”.

He is currently working on a book entitled “Reconsidering the Trial of Jesus – A Reading for Our Times” and a cookbook “Kosher, But Really Good”.

Prof. Weiler grew up in Jerusalem but has Polish roots, as his father was born in Zamość. 

As part of WUST’s Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar, Prof. Joseph Weiler, a passionate beekeeper, will deliver a lecture entitled “The Secret Life of Bees”.

The lecture will be held on May 26, at 5 p.m. Due to the constraints resulting from the coronavirus outbreak, the lecture will be held online, on the Zoom platform; please use the link to the meeting below:

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