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Prof. Aleksander Weron - "Anomalous diffusion and single-particle tracking in molecular biology"

Date: 13.01.2020

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"Anomalous diffusion and single-particle tracking in molecular biology" was the subject of another lecture organised as part of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar at the WUST. It was delivered by Prof. Aleksander Weron.

wyklad_prof_werona_isn_1.jpgProf. Aleksander Weron (Professor of Mathematics, Director of the Hugo Steinhaus Center ) - The editor or author of 13 books and over 130 research papers on probability theory, stochastic processes and their applications to physics, biology and economy. His recent research interests include: anomalous diffusion, ergodicity testing, fractional dynamics, and molecule imaging.

Prof. Aleksander Weron is the coordinator of the Applied Mathematics (MS) Engineering and Master curricula at the Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics (PWR), and the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) Regular Teaching Center at PWR. He serves as the Editorial Board member of Applicationes Mathematicae, Probability and Mathematical Statistics and Quality Technology & Quantitative Management.


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