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Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyń - The Molecular Mechanism of Diabetes Development in the Context of Translational Medicine

Date: 20.03.2019

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"The Molecular Mechanism of Diabetes Development in the Context of Translational Medicine" was the subject of another lecture organised as part of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar at the WUST. It was delivered by Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyń from the M. Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw

dobrzyn_2.jpgThe meeting was held on Wednesday, April 10, at the WUST Congress Centre (building D-20).

Professor Agnieszka Dobrzyń has been the director of the M. Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw since 2018. Her scientific research concerns the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and the use of stem cells in an innovative therapy of type 1 diabetes. Professor Dobrzyń has discovered a new method of early diagnosis of diabetes (patents filed for in the EU and USA) and co-authored 78 scientific publications and chapters in books. In 2016, she won an award of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding scientific achievements.

Professor Dobrzyń heads the expert teams LS7 (Life Science) at the European Science Council (ERC) in Brussels and Mobility Plus' at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. She sits on scientific boards of many institutions, including the M. Nencki Institute of PAS in Warsaw, the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań, the Institute of Pharmacology in Cracow and the Centre for Biological and Chemical Sciences of the University of Warsaw.


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