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NCS grants for Polish-Chinese projects carried out by WUST scientists

Date: 22.05.2019 Category: awards, science/research/innovation

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

The National Centre for Science has announced the results of the first edition of the Sheng competition for the execution of Polish-Chinese research projects. Among the winners, there were two scientists from Wrocław University of Science and Technology, who will receive a total of over 3 million PLN for their research

dominika_wawrzynczyk.jpgThe competition provided funding for basic research in the area of life sciences, strict sciences and technology, as well as selected disciplines of social sciences. The projects to be financed will be conducted both in Poland and China, each of which will be supervised by two heads: one on the Chinese side and the other on the Polish side.

The winners of the competition included two scientists from Wrocław University of Science and Technology:

  • Professor Krzysztof Abramski (Faculty of Electronics),
  • Dominika Wawrzyńczyk, PhD, Eng (Faculty of Chemistry).

The first eligible projects will start as soon as in June 2019. The duration of the research is 36 months, and the minimum value of the Polish part of the project is 250 thousand PLN.

Sheng is a competition held in cooperation between the National Centre for Science and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The formal and substantive evaluation of the applications entered in the competition was carried out simultaneously at the NCS and NSFC. The subject of the evaluation was joint Polish-Chinese applications for research project funding, while the experts evaluated the scientific value of the projects, the research teams’ the qualifications, the projects’ feasibility, and the costing.

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